Susan, Jason and Jared have spent the last few years traveling together around the world. Susan and Jason are married and own several businesses. Jared is Jason's brother. When Covid happened and we couldn't hop on a plane, we started visiting the great beauty of our own state. The Golden Elk was an opportunity that could not be passed up. It was a bit dated and needed some care but the destination and amazing views made the remodel so much easier. We are excited to share our cabin with you and hope you enjoy it as much as we do!
Properties might be plentiful but properties with history and views are few and far between. It is not every day that you get to stay at a home originally built by Lynda Carter of Wonder Woman fame! And the 360 degree vistas of Strawberry Mountain and the Tonto National Forest can literally take your breath away.
We have taken great care to update everything in the cabin to ensure maximum relaxation and entertainment. The lower deck was expanded to 700 square feet to enhance the views while enjoying the fresh air. Inside are all the amenities you could want and an upscale game room to go with it. You might be staying at a cabin in the mountains, but you won't be lacking for comfort and refinement.